Mwalimu Ndaliko Katondolo (Petna), was born in Goma, DR Congo, is a filmmaker, educator, and an ancestral ecologist. His multi-genre artistic works are acclaimed for their decolonial Africanfuturistic style, which engages historical content to address contemporary sociopolitical and cultural issues. In 2000 he co-founded Yole!Africa and in 2005 he founded the Ishango Encounter (formerly known as Salaam Kivu International Film Festival). Ndaliko Katondolo teaches and consults regularly for international organizations, addressing social, ecological and political inequity among marginalized groups through culture and Art.
Samuel Yagase is a grassroots leader mobilizing rural communities for justice and dignity in the rainforest of the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 1992, he co-founded GOVA – Group of Village Organizations for Autonomous Development. In 2022, Samuel and GOVA became co-founding members of the Basandja Congo Basin Coalition for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.
GOVA formed as a collective initiative between the community, intellectuals, and traditional leaders for autonomy and self-determination after experiencing pain, disrespect, and broken promises with international aid organizations. Samuel works to promote dialogue and collaboration between the two medicines (Traditional and Modern) which strengthen the communities’ fight against many injustices (including traditional customs that discriminate against women) in a region where extractive industries continue to oppress and harm the local communities.
Samuel’s life has been dedicated to improving matters related to environmental racism, health, education, and local governance. He serves on the board of the Climate Justice Resilience Fund and is featured in the short film called ‘Mabele Na Biso’ (Our Land). Since the film was made in 2012, his region has been experiencing a dramatic increase in flooding due to the climate crisis, destroying health centers, schools and agriculture. Samuel is part of a collective call for governments, large NGOs, and multinational corporations to prioritize the wisdom of those on the frontlines. With the reality of the climate emergency and new global focus on the Congo’s ‘carbon bomb’ in the peatlands, Samuel hopes there will be a fast shifting of power so there can be true collaboration for climate solutions and resilience.